Why slack tarts...

I thought I should at some point explain the name of this site because to those who don't know me the 'slack tarts' idea may not be clearly apparent. To those that do know me, well, they know only too well just how slack of a tart I am. But that has nothing to do with the name of this site. I also don't make tarts. Which is further confusing.

The name became somewhat famous after a sign I painted a few years back. A sign to encourage some girlfriends who were participating in the Sydney Running Festival half marathon. For some reason this sign went down in running history as one of the best signs ever. I really just intended to provide some gentle and sportswomanlike encouragement to my running friends as they approached the finish line of what is a gruelling 21.1km out and back on Sydney's city west link blaaargh! #halfmarathoncourseofhell. I'd rather stand around in the sun all morning holding a sign! Oh wait...

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